Source code for eynnyd.exceptions

[docs]class EynnydWebappBuildException(Exception): """ Raised if there is a problem with the configured webapp when it attempts to build. """ pass
[docs]class ErrorHandlingBuilderException(Exception): """ Raised when there is a problem with adding an error handler. """ pass
[docs]class NoGenericErrorHandlerException(Exception): """ Raised when attempting to handle an exception and there are no configured handlers (even the base Exception). This should not happen. """ pass
[docs]class HandlerNotFoundException(Exception): """ This is raised when a handler is not found for a request. Note that this is caught and rethrown as a more generic RouteNotFoundException which is what is used for retuning 404 responses. """ pass
[docs]class DuplicateHandlerRoutesException(Exception): """ Raised when trying to add a handler to the routes which is already registered for that method/path pair. Note this is caught and rethrown as a more generic RouteBuildException. """ pass
[docs]class RouteNotFoundException(Exception): """ Raised when no route could be found for a request. Indicates a 404. """ pass
[docs]class RouteBuildException(Exception): """ Raised when there is a problem with route building. """ pass
[docs]class InvalidHTTPStatusException(Exception): """ Raised when the status given to a response cannot be translated into a recognizable format. """ pass
[docs]class SettingNonTypedStatusWithContentTypeException(Exception): """ Raised when a response has a content type but trying to set a non content type status. """ pass
[docs]class SettingContentTypeWithNonTypedStatusException(Exception): """ Raised when a response has a non content type status but trying to set a content-type. """ pass
[docs]class SettingBodyWithNonBodyStatusException(Exception): """ Raised when a response has a non body type status but trying to set a body. """ pass
[docs]class SettingNonBodyStatusWithBodyException(Exception): """ Raised when a response has a body but trying to set a non body status. """ pass
[docs]class InvalidURIException(Exception): """ Raised when a uri (for example the path given to a route) is badly formatted. """ pass
[docs]class InvalidCookieBuildException(Exception): """ Raised when attempting to build a cookie with bad values. """ pass
[docs]class InvalidCookieHeaderException(Exception): """ Raised when a request cookie is not rfc compliant (Ideally, should not happen). """ pass
[docs]class InvalidHeaderException(Exception): """ Raised when a response header uses invalid characters. """ pass
[docs]class InvalidBodyTypeException(Exception): """ Raised when a body being set on a response is invalid (ex. setting a utf-8 body using the set_byte_body method). """ pass
[docs]class UnknownResponseBodyTypeException(Exception): """ Raised when a body is set on the response with an unknown type (should not happen). """ pass
[docs]class RequestInterceptorReturnedNonRequestException(Exception): """ Raised when a request interceptor does not return a valid request object. """ pass
[docs]class HandlerReturnedNonResponseException(Exception): """ Raised when a handler does not return a valid response object. """ pass
[docs]class ResponseInterceptorReturnedNonResponseException(Exception): """ Raised when a response interceptor does not return a valid response object. """ pass
[docs]class NonCallableInterceptor(Exception): """ Raised when a interceptor is registered without being a callable. """ pass
[docs]class NonCallableHandler(Exception): """ Raised when a handler is registered without being a callable. """ pass
[docs]class CallbackIncorrectNumberOfParametersException(Exception): """ Raised when a callback doesn't match the correct number of parameters. """ pass
[docs]class NonCallableExceptionHandlerException(Exception): """ Raised when an exception handler is registered but is not a callable. """ pass
[docs]class InvalidResponseCookieException(Exception): """ Raised when a response cookie is of a non rfc compliant format. """ pass
[docs]class ExecutionPlanBuildException(Exception): """ Raised when an execution plan is finished but cannot build. (should not happen) """ pass