Source code for eynnyd.response_builder

import inspect
from http import HTTPStatus

from eynnyd.exceptions import SettingNonTypedStatusWithContentTypeException, SettingNonBodyStatusWithBodyException, \
    SettingBodyWithNonBodyStatusException, InvalidBodyTypeException, InvalidHeaderException, \
    SettingContentTypeWithNonTypedStatusException, InvalidResponseCookieException
from eynnyd.internal.response import Response
from eynnyd.internal.response_body import ResponseBody
from eynnyd.internal.response_body_type import ResponseBodyType
from eynnyd.internal.utils.cookies.response_cookie import ResponseCookie
from eynnyd.response_cookie_builder import ResponseCookieBuilder
from eynnyd.internal.utils.http_status_factory import HTTPStatusFactory
from eynnyd.internal.utils.http_status_groups import NON_TYPED_STATUSES, NON_BODY_STATUSES

[docs]class ResponseBuilder: """ A builder allowing for the easy and validated building of a Response. """
[docs] def __init__(self): self._status = HTTPStatusFactory.create(HTTPStatus.OK) self._body = ResponseBody.empty_response() self._headers = {} self._cookies = []
[docs] def set_status(self, status): """ Sets the HTTP status of the response. Raises if the type conflicts with other attributes of the response. :param status: a value indicating response status (can be an int, http.HTTPStatus or Eynnyd HttpStatus) :return: This builder to allow for fluent design. """ encoded_status = HTTPStatusFactory.create(status) if encoded_status.code in NON_TYPED_STATUSES and "content-type" in self._headers: raise SettingNonTypedStatusWithContentTypeException( "Cannot set status {s} when content-type header exists.".format(s=status)) if encoded_status.code in NON_BODY_STATUSES and self._body.type != ResponseBodyType.EMPTY: raise SettingNonBodyStatusWithBodyException( "Cannot set status {s} on response with body".format(s=status)) self._status = encoded_status return self
[docs] def set_utf8_body(self, body): """ Sets a utf8 body on the request (overwriting any other set body). Raises if setting the body conflicts with the status. Sets a content-length header if one has not already been set. :param body: The utf-8 encoded body :return: This builder to allow for fluent design. """ if self._status.code in NON_BODY_STATUSES: raise SettingBodyWithNonBodyStatusException( "Cannot set a body on response with status {s}".format(s=self._status)) encoded_body = body.encode("utf-8") if len(body) != len(encoded_body): raise InvalidBodyTypeException("Body must be UTF8 to set via set_utf8_body method.") if "content-length" not in self._headers: self._headers["content-length"] = str(len(encoded_body)) self._body = ResponseBody(ResponseBodyType.UTF8, encoded_body) return self
[docs] def set_byte_body(self, body): """ Sets a byte body on the request (overwriting any other set body). Raises if setting the body conflicts with the status. Sets a content-length header if one has not already been set. :param body: The bytes encoded body :return: This builder to allow for fluent design. """ if self._status.code in NON_BODY_STATUSES: raise SettingBodyWithNonBodyStatusException( "Cannot set a body on response with status {s}".format(s=self._status)) if not isinstance(body, bytes): raise InvalidBodyTypeException("Body must be byte encoded to set via set_byte_body mothod.") if "content-length" not in self._headers: self._headers["content-length"] = str(len(body)) self._body = ResponseBody(ResponseBodyType.BYTE, body) return self
[docs] def set_stream_body(self, body): """ Sets a streaming body on the request (overwriting any other set body). Raises if setting the body conflicts with the status. :param body: A streamable object with a read method taking 1 parameter (and an optional close method) :return: This builder to allow for fluent design. """ if self._status.code in NON_BODY_STATUSES: raise SettingBodyWithNonBodyStatusException( "Cannot set a body on response with status {s}".format(s=self._status)) if not hasattr(body, "read"): raise InvalidBodyTypeException("Streamable body must have a read method.") if 1 != len(inspect.signature( raise InvalidBodyTypeException("Streamable body read method must take a block size parameter") self._body = ResponseBody(ResponseBodyType.STREAM, body) return self
[docs] def set_iterable_body(self, body): """ Sets an iterable body on the request (overwriting any other set body). Raises if setting the body conflicts with the status. For simple strings you should use the utf-8 body as using this would be highly inefficient. :param body: The iterable body :return: This builder to allow for fluent design. """ if self._status.code in NON_BODY_STATUSES: raise SettingBodyWithNonBodyStatusException( "Cannot set a body on response with status {s}".format(s=self._status)) try: iter(body) except TypeError as e: raise InvalidBodyTypeException("Iterable bodies must be iterable", e) self._body = ResponseBody(ResponseBodyType.ITERABLE, body) return self
[docs] def unset_body(self): """ Unsets the body on the request. :return: This builder to allow for fluent design. """ self._body = ResponseBody.empty_response() return self
[docs] def set_headers(self, headers_by_name): """ Sets the headers on the response (deleting/overwriting all current headers). Raises if this method is attempted to be used to set cookies. Use the set_cookies/add_cookie methods for that. :param headers_by_name: a dictionary of header values keyed by name :return: This builder to allow for fluent design. """ self._headers = {} for name, value in headers_by_name.items(): self.add_header(name, value) return self
[docs] def add_header(self, name, value): """ Adds a single header to the response. Raises if this method is attempted to be used to set cookies. Use the set_cookies/add_cookie methods for that. :param name: the name to use for the header :param value: the value to store in the header :return: This builder to allow for fluent design. """ ascii_lowered_name = str(name).lower() if ascii_lowered_name == 'set-cookie': raise InvalidHeaderException("Cannot set header with {n} as name".format(n=name)) if self._status.code in NON_TYPED_STATUSES and ascii_lowered_name == 'content-type': raise SettingContentTypeWithNonTypedStatusException( "Cannot set content-type header on response with status {s}".format(s=self._status)) self._headers[ascii_lowered_name] = str(value) return self
[docs] def remove_header(self, name): """ Removes a header from the response by name. :param name: The name for the header to remove. :return: This builder to allow for fluent design. """ ascii_lowered_name = str(name).lower() if ascii_lowered_name in self._headers: self._headers.pop(ascii_lowered_name) return self
[docs] def set_cookies(self, cookies): """ Sets all the cookies on the response (deleting/overwriting any previously set). :param cookies: An iterable of Eynnyd ResponseCookie objects. :return: This builder to allow for fluent design. """ for cookie in cookies: if not isinstance(cookie, ResponseCookie): raise InvalidResponseCookieException("Cookie {c} is not a valid response cookie.".format(c=str(cookie))) self._cookies = cookies return self
[docs] def build(self): """ :return: A response ready for returning from the webapp. """ return Response( self._status, self._body, self._headers, self._cookies)